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An Enemy of the People M/Tu/Th/Fri 3:45-6:45pm 15

 An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen explores what happens when an individual's scientific discovery conflicts with a collective's economic interests. When Dr. Stockmann discovers a significant health risk to the people of their beloved town, they become determined to spur their fellow citizens to take immediate action. But the unexpected resistance Stockmann meets from the townsfolk, including close friends and family, throws both the town's future and the doctor's community standing into peril.

CASTING WORKSHOP: January 25 & 26, 1-2:30pm

You must register for this program to attend the casting workshop. Everyone who registers receives a role!

DATES: Jan 25,26 and February 24, 2025 thru April 6, 2025

REHEARSAL DAYS & TIMES: M/Tu/Th/Fri 3:45-6:45

PERFORMANCE DAYS & TIMES: April 4th at 7pm, April 5th at 2pm & 7pm, April 6th at 2pm

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$500 use coupon code ENEMY500

$450 use coupon code ENEMY450

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at


Costume Mentorship - Enemy of the People Mon, Tue, Thu 3:45-6pm 6

Enemy of the People Costume Mentorship

Experience the entire costuming process, from design to construction to crew. Hands-on learning and mentorship working with longtime NEYT costumer, Sandy Klein.

February 24 - Apr 12
3:45-6pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tech Week (Mar 31 - Apr 4) will include additional days and hours TBD
Includes being present for 6 performances: Fri 4/4, Sat 4/5, Fri 4/11, Sat 4/12

Tuition includes 2 free tickets to a performance of Enemy of the People

Sliding Scale Tuition

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$250 use coupon code CM-ENEMY250

$200 use coupon code CM-ENEMY200

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at

Improv - Jr Co Tuesdays 4-5:30 15

IMPROV with Jane Baker

What is improv? Is it throwing people onstage and seeing what happens? Nah, although that might be fun. Improv has rules and goals and the biggest is to make eachother look good while we tell a good story. Improv is fun and games and silliness. Come play and I promise you'll learn a playful and creative tool for not only the theater,but your every day life! Dress in clothes you can move in and bring a snack. We'll take a 10 minute break midway through each class.
Can't wait to teach and learn together.

Dates: February 25 - April 1
Days & Times:Tuesdays, 4-5:30p
Ages: 9-13

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$295 use coupon code IMPJR295

$270 use coupon code IMPJR270

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at


HOBBIT - Theater Effects Fridays 3:45-6pm 6

Theater Effects

Instructors: Jerry Stockman with David Regan

Actors create characters. Theater designers create the world in which they live. If you were imagining the world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit on the NEYT stage, what would it look like?  How would you create some of the magical effects that the script calls for and that the audience expects? Oh yeah, you don’t have the $150 million budget of the Peter Jackson movie. It’s all about imagination, craft and (especially) fun!

Join Jerry Stockman and David Regan in Theater FX, a class aimed at

creating the special effects for this Spring’s production of The Hobbit.  

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$300 use coupon code EFFECTS300

$250 use coupon code EFFECTS250

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at


Page to Stage - Spring 4-5:30 Tues & Thurs 8

Facilitators: Laura Thomas and Kristina Meima

March 18 - April 29
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4 - 5:30pm
Presentation for family & friends on the NEYT stage April 29th at 5pm

Open enrollment - Everyone who registers will receive a role that supports their learning and their desired level of involvement.


Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type by Doreen Cronin

Farmer Brown has a problem. His cows like to type. All day long he hears:
Click, clack, moo.
Click, clack, moo.
Click, clack, moo.

But Farmer Brown’s problems really begin when his cows start leaving him notes.

Page to Stage is a program for maturing youngsters to explore the elements of theater by working together to adapt a lively storybook into a play. Kids will take part in games, explore characters, have fun with voices and language and physicality, and make costumes & scenery for a short, joyful play. This welcoming introduction to the theatrical process will unfold as students make new friends, create lasting memories, and connect to their creativity.

Tuition Sliding Scale
Coupon Code PAGE375 to pay $375
Coupon Code PAGE425 to pay $425

When you pay at the middle or higher rate, the extra goes directly to support other families through our Angels in the Wings fund. AITW makes it possible for any family to access NEYT programming, regardless of financial situation. THANK YOU!

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.
For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at

Costume Mentorship - The Hobbit Mon, Tue, Thu 3:45-6pm 6

The Hobbit Costume Mentorship

Experience the entire costuming process, from design to construction to crew. Hands-on learning and mentorship working with longtime NEYT costumer, Sandy Klein.

April 7 - Jun 7 (no classes the week of April 14th)
3:45-6pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tech Week (May 27 - May 30) may include additional days and hours TBD
Includes being present for 6 performances: Fri 5/30, Sat 5/31, Fri 6/6, Sat 6/7

Sliding Scale Tuition

Tuition includes 2 free tickets to a performance of The Hobbit

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.

$250 use coupon code CM-HOBBIT250
$200 use coupon code CM-HOBBIT200

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.
For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at

The Hobbit M/Tu/Th 3:45-6:45pm 24

J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit (adapted for the stage by Patricia Gray) follows Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, and a party of dwarves on a quest to reclaim their gold from the greedy dragon Smaug. Along the way they encounter trolls, goblins, elves, and other fantastical characters and creatures. This production will feature original music and puppetry. 

No auditions, everyone gets a role.

DATES: April 7, 2025 thru June 8, 2025


PERFORMANCE DAYS & TIMES: 5/30, 5/31, 6/6, 6/7 at 7pm, 5/31, 6/1, 6/7 at 2pm

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$550 use coupon code HOBBIT550

$500 use coupon code HOBBIT500

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at

Improv - Sr Co Tuesdays, 4-5:30 15

IMPROV with Jane Baker

Welcome, improvers of the future! It doesn't matter if this is your first or twentieth improv class. We are all still learning every day. Improv is not something you take one class of and then you're done! And that's the fun of it. There is always something new. We'll play, play, play and learn so many fun ways of saying, "YES...and." We'll learn to make our scene partners look good. We'll learn to tell a story and have a blast doing it! We'll play with both long and short form improv. Dress in clothes you can move in and bring a snack. We'll take a 10 minute break midway through each class. It's gonna be awesome!

Can't wait to teach and learn with you.

Dates: April 22 - May 27
Days & Times:Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm
Ages: 14-19

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$295 use coupon code IMPSR295

$270 use coupon code IMPSR270

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at