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Studio 12 25

TWS Studio is a three-week theatre class that serves as an introduction to The Theatre of Western Springs. We will use exercises and improvisation to work on basic acting concepts and then apply them to scenes and monologues which you will present on stage for friends and family during your final class session. Interested students will also work on short songs and a group musical number! We will also let you know how things work at TWS in terms of volunteering, casting, and anything else we can think of. Anyone 18 or older can register and all levels of experience are welcome. -- Participants NOT interested in performing will be introduced to several technical areas of the theatre and work “backstage” for the final presentation. Non-Actors will have a different schedule to be worked out with the instructor.


ACTORS – We’d like you to attend all sessions. Sessions 1, 4, 9 and 11 and 12 are mandatory. Friday 5/16 is optional. You can miss up to two of the remaining sessions.

NON-ACTORS – Sessions 1, 4, 9 and 11 and 12 are mandatory. Friday 5/16 is optional.

1.      Tue 4/29, 7 pm-10 pm *

2.      Thurs 5/1, 7 pm-10 pm

3.      Sat 5/3, 1pm-4pm

4.      Sun 5/4, 9:30am-11:30am (tech tour) *

5.      Tue 5/6, 7 pm-10 pm

6.      Thu 5/8 7 pm-10 pm

7.      Sat 5/10 1 pm-4 pm

8.      Tue 5/13 7 pm-10 pm

9.      Thurs 5/15 7 pm-10 pm *

10.  Fri 5/16 7 pm-10:30 pm (you have the space to rehearse if you want!)

11.  Sat 5/17 1pm-4pm (stage it, run it) *

12.  Sun 5/18 3pm – 8:30pm (run thru in space, presentation at 6pm, reception to follow) *


Studio costs $136, which includes receiving a TWS subscription. Upon completion of the class you will be eligible to be cast in TWS shows.

Our Studio instructors will be David M. Rodriguez, Jay Fontanetta, and Tammy O’Reilly.