Amelia Community Theatre

Getting On Stage - Adult Acting Workshop

10a - 12p
Max Enrollment
Still Available
More Information

Have you ever thought about being in a play? Have you ever had a friend or

family member nudge you to get on the stage because “you are such a

ham”? Amelia Community Theatre is offering you an opportunity to explore

what getting on stage involves. ACT-ed will be conducting a free workshop on

Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 10:00am-12:00pm in Studio 209 for

participants 18+. This workshop is designed to introduce those who have

never been in a play (or who haven’t been in a long time) to the basics of

auditioning, rehearsing, and performing. It will be a fun, no pressure, no

time-commitment morning to see if you might be interested in coming out to

audition for a future show. If you are interested in attending, please click on

the link below to enroll.

For more information you can contact:

Peggy Strickland -
