Musical Theater Training Ensemble - Madeline's Christmas

See schedule below
Max Enrollment
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Musical Theater Training Ensemble
Madeline's Christmas
Workshops Begin November 16

Creative Cauldron's musical theater training program provides teens with a unique opportunity to receive master class coaching in voice, movement and acting technique that prepares them for the professional musical theater stage. Master classes will be taught by veteran musical theater artists with extensive experience and credits in their fields and participants will have featured roles in our professional production of Madeline's Christmas. Participation is by audition or invitation only.

Workshop & Rehearsal Dates:
Saturdays Nov 16, 23 10:00 am – 12 Noon
Mon Nov 18, 19, 20, 21. 6pm – 9pm
Mon Nov 25, 26, 27 6pm – 9pm
Mon Dec 2, Tues Dec 3, Wed Dec 4, Thurs Dec 5  6pm – 9pm

*A full rehearsal and performance schedule will be sent to all participants via email.
