Youth Chamber Music (YCMP) (Fall Semester)


More Information

All orchestra instruments welcome! Membership in the Great Falls Youth Orchestra or Sinfonia ensembles is NOT requiredfor YCMP participation.

Open to all music students with two years playing experience. Placement in an ensemble will be based on your age, playing ability and the availability of an appropriate group in which to be placed.

Musicians get the opportunity to practice and perform in small ensembles with professional coaching.

Rehearsal Time: Sundays between 1:00pm-5:00pm (1 hour sessions). Times vary depending on space and coach availability. 

Location: Mansfield Theater

Tuition: $75/semester. Due with registration.

Coach: Varies

Program Contact: Kyara Nelsen, or (406) 431-7794 (text preferred)

Requirements: Students must be active, committed participants in their school music program.


Ticketing System provided by Arts People