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Times | M-F, 5-9p
More Information | Teen Shakespeare: MACBETH
Something wicked this way comes…
Macbeth explores the perils of unbridled ambition and forewarns that the path of merciless self-interest leads only to bloody self-destruction. Shakespeare wrote this infamous play a decade after the death of his own son, Hamnet, and it has since blossomed into one of the world’s most told stories, likely due in part to human fascination with the wickedness within ourselves.
Our theatre students develop and embody their characters to bring Shakespeare’s Macbeth to live. These young artists learn core acting skills to present within this show and beyond. Owen Corey leads the Teen Shakespeare team by cutting this script to meaningfully engage and elevate our emerging teen artists.
Dive into a Shakespearean masterwork this summer!
Classes take place July 21 - August 10 from 5p - 9p
Performances will be held on the Hedgerow stage as follows:
Preview/Invited Dress: 8/7 @ 7:00pm
Opening Performance: 8/8 @ 7:00pm
Second Performance: 8/9 @ 7:00pm
Closing Performance: 8/10 @ 2:00pm Enroll |