Basics of Watercolor (7 sessions)
Adults Beginner- Advanced
Instructor: Antonio Gonzalez-Garcia
Wednesdays, January 17 – February 28
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Are you ready for the traditional way of watercolor? We are going to learn, improve, and understand the ratios of pigment/water, the use layering of different hues, and how they mix and complement each other. During the weeks of this term we are going to study still life, human figure, and the landscape from direct observation. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of wet on dry, wet on wet, and techniques. Beginners welcomed.
FEE: $220
Master Classroom, Main Level
Approx. Cost of Materials: $100-$150
*Fee includes cost of 2 figure models*
Image Credit:Antonio Gonzalez-Garcia
*Tabletop easels available for student use*