Improv - Sr Co

Tuesdays, 4-5:30
Max Enrollment
More Information

IMPROV with Jane Baker

Welcome, improvers of the future! It doesn't matter if this is your first or twentieth improv class. We are all still learning every day. Improv is not something you take one class of and then you're done! And that's the fun of it. There is always something new. We'll play, play, play and learn so many fun ways of saying, "YES...and." We'll learn to make our scene partners look good. We'll learn to tell a story and have a blast doing it! We'll play with both long and short form improv. Dress in clothes you can move in and bring a snack. We'll take a 10 minute break midway through each class. It's gonna be awesome!

Can't wait to teach and learn with you.

Dates: April 22 - May 27
Days & Times:Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm
Ages: 14-19

Sliding Scale Pricing

If you are able to pay at the middle or higher rate, the difference goes directly towards financial aid and helping other families access NEYT programming.


$295 use coupon code IMPSR295

$270 use coupon code IMPSR270

To apply for financial aid use coupon code ANGELS to register for $25 and fill out the application.

For payment plans contact Michelle Meima at
