Your gift to SPOTLIGHTERS Theatre will help us continue to bring the GREAT theatre that you have come to expect from SPOTLIGHTERS!

BECOME an Executive Producer for a production in Season 62
Make a donation of $1500 to cover the costs of Royalties and License Fees for a production and have your name or your company's name listed as the Executive Producer the Season 62 Production!


Your monthly gift will help us meet the many monthly expenses of the theatre (BGE, Verizon Fios, Rent, Pest Control and more) and support the challenging and engaging theatre you know and love from Spotlighters!

A donation of $275 (or $23 per month) will fund an entire day of operating expenses at the theatre.  If you can, please consider funding additional days to support the amazing theatre you love.

Also - you may partner with friends to fund a day ...

AND ... we want to know which day during the Year you have chosen as YOUR DAY.  Honor someone on their birthday, anniversary, first performance ... whatever you choose.

Or you may fund an entire week (5 days) of the theatre for just $1,375 annually or $115 per month!    Fund a 3-day weekend for $825 or $69 per month!   You get to choose which day you want to celebrate!

Please know that we appreciate your support and your gift will be used to continue to provide the EXCEPTIONAL - DIVERSE - CREATIVE - BOLD theatre that Baltimore deserves.

If you are interested in being part of our future,  and the expansion and growth of Spotlighters -- please, consider making a donation today.  And, consider how else you can support Spotlighters.

Would your company or business be interested in being a Season Sponsor?   Would you be interested in hosting a Spotlighters Gathering for a small group of your friends and associates to introduce them to the exceptional theatre of Spotlighters?  Every effort to expand the work of Spotlighters is great appreciated.

Consider joining our monthly sustainers program - SPOTS-365.  Simply fill in the amount of your desired monthly gift, let us know which day or days you wish to fund and leave the rest to us.

Thank you for your support!

The Audrey Herman Spotlighters Theatre, Inc, (aka Spotlighters Theatre) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization recognized by the IRS, and a Maryland registered Public Charity.  All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.  A copy of the current financial statement of The Audrey Herman Spotlighters Theatre is available by writing Mgr Director, 817 Saint Paul Street, Suite 109; Baltimore, MD 21202 or by calling 410.752.1225 for the cost of postage and copies. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534.


Please accept my gift of

-- OR --

Join SPOTS-365
Your recurring monthly donation of $23 will fund an entire day of operating expenses at Spotlighters.    

(If you choose this option, your credit card will be stored in our system in a high-security encrypted form. It will only be accessible by the program which runs the periodic donations.)

End date for recurring donation

Please specify the fund to which you would like to Donate:

Please include which day or days you wish to fund during the year, and how you wish to name the day or days.

Also, if you are funding with friends, please include their names here, so we can make sure everyone is included.