SpringWorks Festivals are managed by the registered charitable organization Hermione Presents.
We are dedicated to bringing performing and creative artists in many genres together to share their craft and their passion.
We invite the Stratford community, and visitors from near and far, to discover our human connections through these creative expressions.

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End date for recurring donation

Please direct my donation to the following fund

Please list my contribution as Anonymous

** If you would like to ensure your support goes toward another part of our work, not indicated in the drop down list, please indicate the other activities you would like to support here.

**If you would like to dedicate your donation to someone special, please indicate the purpose or occasion here.

Please use this name in your acknowledgements

Please use your email receipt for Income Tax Purposes.

SpringWorks: indie theatre & arts festival is produced by 

Hermione Presents.

Registered CHARITABLE STATUS # 80376 7656 RR0001