Enter a donation amount here for Capital Projects, Annual Membership, or Art Crawl Sponsorship. Make a one-time or recurring donation. All contributions are tax deductible. 

Membership Levels: 
Individual $30
Family $50
Bronze $100
Silver $250
Gold $500
Platinum $1000

Theater Seat Campaign:

Capital Projects:
Any Amount

Art Crawl Sponsorship:
Community Sponsor: $100
Small Biz Sponsor: $250
Big Biz Sponsor: $500
Corporate Sponsor: $1000
Parade Sponsor: $2500
Art Crawl Brought to you By: $5000

If you prefer, mail your check to:
Springville Center for the Arts
PO Box 62
Springville, NY 14141

Please accept my one-time tax deductible contribution of

-- OR --

I'd like to make an ongoing, recurring gift in the amount of

Your credit card payment information will be securely stored to process your recurring contribution in the future.

End date for recurring donation

Please select Membership, Capital Projects, Theater Seat, or Art Crawl Sponsorship

I would like to donate anonymously


Please specify what name you want this donation recorded under. Enter memorial notes below.