Town Theatre appreciates support above and beyond the price of a ticket. We have several giving options ~ allowing you to make your gift so that it is applied in a way that suits you best. 

The majority of gifts made to Town Theatre are general in nature. That is, they are allowed to be used for the theatre’s most pressing needs. Make your general gift to Town at the link below. 

In 2019, the Will Moreau Goins Memorial Fund was established at Town Theatre by Will’s family. The initial funds were used to help renovate our lower area which we named as the Moreau Youth Theatre Wing. Your gift to Town can be placed in the Will Moreau Goins Memorial Fund with a selection made after following the link below. 


Want to make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one? Gifts may also be made in honor or tribute to someone. You can make your Tribute Gift via the link below as well. Simply select the General Campaign and you will have the chance to notate your personal designation. 


Ticketing System provided by Arts People