Thank you for supporting Western Plains Opera Company!

We strive to acknowledge all gifts from individuals and organizations. To better call-out our supports, we have the following donor levels.

(Each level extends to the next highest level.)

  • Season Supporter ($5000)
  • Artist Benefactor ($3000) [Limited Recognition - Principals]
  • Diamond Supporter ($2000) [Cast/Orchestra]
  • Platinum Supporter ($1000) [Stage (Drops, Lighting, Sound]
  • Gold Supporter ($500) [Music]
  • Silver Supporter ($300) [Costumes]
  • Bronze Supporter ($100) [Promotions]
  • Friends ($50) [Spotlight Chorus]

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Your credit card payment information will be securely stored to process your recurring donation in the future.

End date for recurring donation

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Please recognize my donation as Anonymous


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