Raise the Curtain For Theatre Ariel

Log in or create an account to select your membership

Lion's Club Gift50.00
  • $50 - $499 for each campaign year
  • Recognition on website/programs
Curtain Up Gift500.00
  • $500 - $999 for each campaign year 
  • Recognition in salon event materials 
Spotlight Gift1000.00
  • $1,000 - $2,499 for each campaign year 
  • Recognition in salon event materials 
  • One Theatre Ariel Membership for each campaign year
Center Stage Gift2500.00
  • $2,500 - $4,999 for each campaign year
  • Recognition in all materials for the fully staged theatre productions 
  • Recognition in salon event materials 
  • Two Theatre Ariel Memberships for each campaign year 
Associate Producer Gift5000.00
  • $5,000 - $9,999 for each campaign year 
  • Recognition from the stage at the start of all performances and in all materials for the fully staged theatre productions 
  • An invitation each season to a special reception honoring all “producing level” donors 
  • Sponsorship of a salon performance and recognition in salon materials 
  • Two Theatre Ariel Memberships for each campaign year 
Producer Gift10000.00
  • $10,000 – $24,999 for each campaign year 
  • “Produced by” recognition from the stage at the start of all performances and in all materials for the fully staged theatre productions 
  • An invitation each season to a special reception honoring all “producing level” donors 
  • Sponsorship of one full salon series with recognition in salon materials 
  • Four Theatre Ariel Memberships for each campaign year
Executive Producer Gift25000.00
  • $25,000 and above for each campaign year
  • “Presented by” recognition for the fully staged theatre productions
  • “Executive Produced by” recognition from the stage at the start of all performances and in all materials for the fully staged theatre productions
  • An invitation each season to a special reception honoring all “producing level” donors
  • Sponsorship of one full salon series with recognition in salon materials
  • Four Theatre Ariel Memberships for each campaign year

Ticketing System provided by Arts People