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It's Improv Night!

Come see the hilarity and hijinks unfold as the BHS Improv Team returns to the stage! See our Improvisers take on your favorite games and brand new challenges in each show as they create the entertainment live onstage – creating their scenes instantaneously from the ideas and prompts from the audience. A great night out for friends and family!

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The Improv Playhouse of San Franciso is coming to Solano County for one night only! Join us for The Naked Stage… A romping, laugh out loud, brilliant theater experience like no other!

"This breathtaking improv troupe manages to convey real depth and its characters while rolling through fast, smart, screamingly, funny spur-of-the-moment scenarios. Go now it's going to be the hottest ticket in town when word gets around."

"The talent, chemistry and execution of this troupe of improv professionals is unparallelled… An incredible journey… Roll over laughter - truly amazing to watch the characters! Each member of this troupe is a true superstar! You do not want to miss this show - absolutely fantastic!"

"… Four improvisational geniuses...extremely funny night in the theater… Funnier and all worked. Every moment. It's great fun… It's theater without a net, with an audience there every step of the way." Richard Wolinsky, KPFA radio.

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