Reptile Logic:

A Corporate Dismemberment

July 28 - August 13, 2023

Written by Matt Wexler

Directed by Mike Langworthy

Playing in the Bond-Trimble Theatre

A gruesome workplace accident at a warehouse owned by a faceless megacorporation leads to a spontaneous work stoppage and list of demands. Plant manager/ shameless corporate shill Mike Stevens and his dutiful assistant Iris are determined to squash the threat of unionization by any means necessary. They engage in a no-holds-barred battle of wits with Jacky, the streetwise ex-con spokeswoman for the rank and file workers.

Content Awareness: Reptile Logic contains mature language and is recommended for mature audiences.

*Please note an order fee of two dollars ($2) per ticket will be added to each transaction. This fee is waived for our current year Season Subscribers.*

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