Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol

By Tom Mula

Armour Street Theatre

Dec. 5 - Dec. 22
Recommended Ages 10+

"Marley was dead, to begin with…"  - and what happens to Ebenezer Scrooge's mean, sour, pruney old business partner after that? Chained and shackled, Marley is condemned to a hellish eternity. He's even given his own private tormentor: a malicious little hell-sprite who thoroughly enjoys his work. Desperate, Marley accepts his one chance to free himself: To escape his own chains, he must first redeem Scrooge. So begins a journey of laughter and terror, redemption and renewal, during which Scrooge's heart, indeed, is opened; but not before Marley—in this irreverent, funny and deeply moving story—discovers his own.

Directors note: "On it’s face, it seems odd to tell a ghost story at Christmas, but in doing our homework for this show we found there is a long tradition of sharing ghost stories as part of the holiday tradition. This makes sense when you think about Christmas’ long past, when families would sit around the fire in the gathering twilight and tell stories to keep the darkness at bay. Besides providing entertainment and passing the time in an era before instant electronic gratification, stories were meant to touch and teach. And what better time to teach lessons about kindness, generosity and redemption than the Christmas season? There is a reason that Dickens’ Christmas Carol is a holiday institution: It is because he beautifully and powerfully illustrates these lessons through a terribly flawed man named Scrooge. But although Scrooge was the worst, he was not the first. Before Scrooge, there was Marley, and although we may know his name, we haven’t heard his story. Until now. And spoiler alert: It's a ghost story! So sit back and enjoy the story of Marley, as it is told in the most theatrical form of storytelling - Story Theatre! I hope that by the time we are done, you are inspired to share a story or two with your family during this season of reflection, redemption and love. You might even share a ghost story!"

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Adults $20

Seniors $18

Students $12

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