Fountianville by Veronica Langley

"Fountainville. It’s a dumb name, but the story is great, let me tell you." -Paige

Paige, her boyfriend Arthur, and best friend Courtney are three post grads living under the same roof. They have intense writing sessions to encourage each other to grow in their fields of work. Seasons come and go like an idea for a story; tension flares when betrayals come to light. Will their relationships be preserved with the fountain of life or wither away?

Radio Play by Aiden Murphy

Enjoy the farcical antics of Linda and Carrie as they try to save their publicly funded radio program by hosting a pledge drive with help from an unexpected visitor.

Please select a performance

Adults $15

Students $8

Tickets are limited to seating allowed by Restore Illinois Phase 4 guidlines. Please see ticketing procedures below for additional information.

PPCT COVID Ticketing Procedures

Tickets for all events must be purchased in advance, online. If you are unable to purchase a ticket online please call 309-343-7728 and leave a message, someone will return your call. Please note the office is not regularly staffed.

Please make an effort to purchase your whole party’s tickets in one purchase. If this is not possible please make note of who you will be attending with by name of the person purchasing additional tickets.

In order to control the flow of traffic to the building you will be contacted with an arrival time for you and your party. For the safety of all our guests please arrive in your scheduled window of time. You will be asked to move to be seated as soon as the check in process is complete.

If you do not have a facial covering, or if you have a fever (temperatures will be taken using a forehead thermometer) you will not be allowed entry.