Written and Directed by Nicole Lee
Savagery examines the experience of single mothers of color in this country.As the mothers separated from the involuntary servitude known as slavery the labors placed upon them became skill sets that they would use to navigate this new form of freedom which in all actuality constricted their ability to be free.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Bio for Nicole Lee
Nicole is the creator, writer and contributor to the factual storyline of Savagery, loving mother of 3, self-published author of 9 books, and owner of Counsel to the Entrepreneur, LLC, where she's a wholistic sounding board for entrepreneurs in the ideation stage, with a mission to eradicate negative thinking. She's also the founder of Warrior Moms, a 501(c)(3) social enterprise with a mission to eradicate emotional paralysis among single mothers who live in poverty with advanced knowledge of universal law coupled with business success strategies, personal growth, and spiritual tools to enhance one's life.