The Mouse and the Lion 

An Original Musical by Miles Burns
Based on Aesop's Fables

The Mouse has stumbled upon some bad luck and some big trouble so he decides to pack up and relocate, because his mama didn’t raise no fool. While searching for the perfect spot to lay low, The Mouse happens upon The Lion. The Lion is very unfriendly and very unhappy, due to some recent bad luck of his own. They both need help and have no idea how helpful asking for help can be. Adapted from Aesop’s Fables including Androcles and the Lion, this story of humility, honesty, and friendship is filled with great music and laughs. The Mouse and the Lion was originally to be produced in April 2020 at The Players Ring, and we are excited to finally be bringing it to the stage.

***An Upside Arts production***


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General Admission: $18

Kids under 12: $15

No ticketing fees.