no flowers/ unraveling ghosts



INK: Mouse House Productions


The Top-Ten Superpowers of All Time: Alli Marshall

Location: Story Parlor

Friday, March 25th at 9pm 
Saturday, March 26th at 9pm

no flowers/ unraveling ghosts

No flowers/ unraveling ghosts is a new solo by Jenni Cockrell of strange daughters butoh. What "haunts" us? How do we dissipate, embody or scatter our assorted ghosts? This butoh dance piece will be shaped by input from the audience members who will be asked to bring an item symbolizing their personal "ghosts" to place in the space at the beginning of the performance (They will be able to take this item back with them at the end).


Ink By Missy Bell: Mouse House Productions

"Ink" is a short film about two men vying for their needs in a dystopian world ravaged by global warming. This black and white satirical journey reveals two passionate artists dealing in the only goods that matter in their shared passion and secret trade.

The Top-Ten Superpowers of All Time

By Alli Marshall

The Top-Ten Superpowers of All Time is an exploration — in poetry, music, and performance art — of heroic ability. Human beings are miraculous and flawed. Being human is an exercise in bold imagining and dashed hopes. We long for grace, dexterity, and bravery to get us out of jams and elevate us above our mundane experience. At the same time, we often feel invisible, small, and tapped out. In this collaborative production, Alli Marshall (spoken word) and Ryan Glass (piano) hope to find the spaces where our weaknesses become our greatest strengths.

Please select a performance


General Admission - $16
(online and walk up)


Location: Story Parlor

227 Haywood Rd,

Asheville, NC, 28806