By Charlayne Woodard
Directed By William Earl Ray
Previews April 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 @ 7:30
Opening Night April 22, 2022
Close May 8, 2022
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center
5340 N. Interstate Ave Portland 97217
NEAT was originally produce by the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle, Washington, and the Mark Taper Forum/Center Theatre Group, Los Angeles, California.
‘Right On, Be Free” is used with the permission of Chuck Griffin, the author and copyright holder.
NEAT is a magical, often humorous, coming-of-age story. Based in the oral traditions of the African Diaspora, award-winning playwright, Charlayne Woodard is a modern-day griot. NEAT is based on the playwright’s lived experience. As an infant, Woodard’s beloved Aunt Beneatha (Neat), is denied treatment at the local “white” hospital, leaving her with permanent brain damage. But Neat possesses an enormous heart. With love and simplicity, Neat teaches young Charlayne to embrace black pride and cherish life through the turbulent 1960s and 1970s.