My Son, the Waiter -- STREAMING

Starring Brad Zimmerman

The Bergen County Players are thrilled to present a recorded performance of actor/standup Brad Zimmerman's one-man show, My Son, the Waiter--A Jewish Tragedy, on Saturday, February 5th at 8pm. This nearly sold-out performance from late January is now available for viewing online just once, with all net proceeds going to BCP to assist in our financial recovery from the pandemic.

My Son, the Waiter is Brad's hilarious and inspiring story about the grit and passion required to 'make it' as an artist and the sweet rewards that come from never giving up on your dream. Specifically, Brad moved to New York City and "temporarily" waited tables for 29 years, while continuing to pursue his dream of comedic acting. His send-ups on his childhood, his family, his misbegotten love life, and his career are as warm and poignant as they are hysterical. The show previously had a lengthy Off-Broadway run, and Brad is now preparing to go back on tour throughout the country.

Saturday, February 5 at 8pm
Streaming 'Admission'


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