An adventure story about getting home...

In the early 1980s of a late October afternoon, local legend and high school superstar Johnny Grimes is on a mission — to get back to his house, finish his book report, and compete in the Conference Basketball Finals the following day. Schoolmate Franky Pinnolini has a similar ambition — to make it all happen. Armed with a relentless adoration for Johnny and a green Huffy BMX bike with a basket, Franky takes Johnny on a journey from the sleek and smooth blacktop of the schoolyard through the strange and peculiar backdrop of a place called home. Set in the wilds of Delaware Valley in the mid-Atlantic region of the eastern seaboard, The October Night of Johnny Zero story is a world premiere based on events — both real and imaginary. Part true crime, part science fiction, the play slips down the rabbit hole of small-town suburban life and comes face to face with the myths and monsters that might lurk just below the surface.

Please select a performance

Previews (Nov. 17, 18, 19, 20, & 25) - $18

General Admission - $40

Senior & Military Discount - $35

Dogtag Members - $30 (must have access code)

Students - $18 (with student ID)