Faction of Fools Theatre Company

Mystery. Mistake identities. Clandestine meetings…and missings.

Bring your lawn chairs, picnic blankets, and outdoor theatre goodies! Performed outdoors and completely devised and written by the cast, Missed Connections features your favorite Commedia dell'Arte archetypes as they are in 2022. 

"Missed Connections" premieres Saturday, April 30th and runs through Sunday, May 15th with performances on Saturdays and Sundays at 1pm & 5pm at The Great Lawn at The Parks at Walter Reed, 1010 Butternut St NW, Washington, DC 20012.


All staff and performers at Faction of Fools Theatre Company are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Faction of Fools strongly recommends all audience members to vaccinate themselves against Covid-19 and requests folks to respect a social distance to those not in their party. A mask is not required while in your seats, though we request you to please wear a mask when interacting with staff or cast.

Please select a performance

We are thrilled to offer a sliding scale ticket price!

We’re offering three options:

$25: Market rate ticket price
$35: "Pay it Forward" price
$15: Lower income / Child price

No ticket required for children under the age of 2.

This allows a ticket to be obtained at multiple price points based on the circumstances of the purchaser. To create a structure where all can enjoy financially accessible theatre, those with access to more resources pay more per ticket which provides the ability for those with less access to pay less.

Can't wait to see you at the show!

How can you find us?? Check out this handy little map of The Parks at Walter Reed, 1010 Butternut St NW, Washington, DC 20012