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Jan 22 - Feb 26

The Great Khan

by Michael Gene Sullivan

A revolutionary, multicultural play about the effects of systemic racism on two Black American teens, The Great Khan is a National New Play Network rolling world premiere. Jayden is a high schooler struggling with what he wants to be, a nerd who loves video games and fantasy, or a strong man who doesn't need to fear anyone. Ant is a young woman rediscovering herself after tragedy and trying to define herself against society's expectations. Gao Ming is a precocious YouTuber, committed to helping people fully express their authentic selves. When Jayden looks for answers from his most recent homework assignment, the friends' lives are upended by the arrival of the Great Khan himself.

Please select a performance


Previews: $15
Standard: $40
Understudy: $25
$5 off

Groups of 10+: $30/each
(please call box office)

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