Fem and Ism

This year the dance program performance ensemble is composed of students who are all female-identifying, and has chosen the theme of “Fem and Ism” for the spring dance concert. Women and female-identifying persons of all ages, intersectional identities, and backgrounds are impacted by systemic “isms,” or discriminatory beliefs, ideologies, and behaviors that attempt to limit our rights, silence our voices, and oppress not just women but other marginalized groups as well. While many “isms” are inequitable and biased in nature (racism, sexism, ableism, classism, heterosexism, anti-Semitism, for example), there are other, more inspiring “isms,” such as optimism, activism, feminism, collectivism, and more that shine a light on the hopeful, positive, inclusive nature of humanity. Those who identify as female can be heavily impacted by “isms” but can also help impact and dismantle the very nature of “isms.” The diverse array of dances in this inspiring show, choreographed by both students and faculty, offers artistic comments and insights into the lived experience of being female, and suggests how we can, together, change the world for the better.

Rating: Appropriate for all audiences

Run Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes (no intermission)

Please select a performance.  


Tickets are $20 online and $25 (cash only!) day of show at the door.

Please note that tickets stop selling online 24 hours before the show starts. Until that point, there is a $10 exchange fee to change or release seats. After that point, any relinquished tickets will no longer be refundable, and will instead be donated to Buckley's performing arts department.

If there is a problem, please contact tickets@buckley.org.