By Catherine Stewart
The corridors are rife with tumbling troupes of medical staff spouting knowledge, nuns on a mission from God, board members more concerned with snacks than salaries, and clowns trying to provide their best medicine. All the while patients are searching for a way to survive in a system that strips them of their humanity. Everyone is after a little bit of care, but who can they turn to if the hospital itself can’t remain healthy?
Doctor Doctor is a five-act surrealist drama which draws on the traditions of farce and vaudeville to tell the story of seven characters trapped inside an American hospital.
Written & Directed by Catherine Stewart
Co-Produced by Cora Paradiso
Cast (alphabetical order):
Katie Collins
Shawn Crapo
Amy Desrosiers
Emily Karel
Megan Loomis
Corrie Owens-Beauchesne
Monique Peaslee Foote
Matt Recine
Dominique Salvacion
Jimmy Stewart
Michael Towle
***The reading of Doctor Doctor by Catherine Stewart is supported in part by a grant from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts***
The production team encourages you to reach out to your elected representatives and thank them for their continued support of the arts in your community.
Running Time:
Doctor Doctor runs approx. 2 hours with one intermission.
This reading will be recorded.