Gone Missing

Created by The Civilians

Written by Steve Cosson from Interviews by the Company
Music and Lyrics by Michael Friedman

A wry and whimsical documentary musical of loss devised from interviews with real-life New Yorkers by The Civilians, the acclaimed New York-based company. This collection of very personal accounts of things “gone missing” —everything from keys, personal identification and a Gucci pump to family heirlooms, your dog and your mind—creates a unique tapestry of the ways in which we deal with loss in our lives. A flexible company of six performs more than thirty characters, intertwining these stories of lost objects with tales from some unusual “finders,” ranging from a retired NYPD cop to a pet psychic. Set against eclectic and tuneful songs by Michael Friedman, GONE MISSING is about the little things in life —seen largely.

Please select a performance

Adult: $42

Seniors (65+): $38

Students (25-): $25

Preview Performance: All seats $28

Senior Sunday: All seniors $28

Ladies' Night Out add-on:

Thursday, February 29 at 6:30 pm, +$20

Your purchase price includes a credit card and processing surcharge.