Black Curtain Theatre: Witch
By Jen Silverman
Tagline: A Wicked Comedy
January 20 & 21, 2024
Mischief is afoot in the sleepy village of Edmonton and the fate of the world is at stake in Jen Silverman’s exceedingly smart modern fable, Witch. In one of the oldest storylines around, Scratch, a slick, young devil dressed as a junior salesman, arrives in search of people’s souls in exchange for their deepest desires. Elizabeth should be his easiest target, having been labeled the witch of Edmonton and cast out by the town, but her soul is not so readily bought. As the citizens begin to take advantage of the Devil’s deals, outcast Elizabeth stuns the handsome, self-centered Scratch by standing her ground. This sharp, inventive, and fiendishly funny new play debates how much our souls are worth when hope is hard to come by.
Other quotes:
"...Jen Silverman confirms why she’s a playwright to be taken seriously. Her work ranks up there with the very best.” – Chicago Theatre Review
“All art is a mirror, but plays like Witch, plays that reflect our image back in a murky light are particularly important. You’ll see something different than I did, which is where the magic lies. I bet we’ll have both seen something broken and beautiful. I’ll bet it’s something we might have been afraid to face. But, lucky us: we have the help of a poet’s guiding hand." – Third Coast Review