MTSU Theatre and Dance in collaboration with Alpha Psi Omega is excited to present: 

Speech & Debate
Written by Stephen Karam

THE STORY: Three teenage misfits in Salem, Oregon discover they are linked by a sex scandal that’s rocked their town. When one of them sets out to expose the truth, secrets become currency, the stakes get higher, and the trio’s connection grows deeper in this searching, fiercely funny dark comedy with music. (Dramatist)

Performed in Deborah K. Anderson Studio Theatre October 19 - 22, 2023

For more information, visit

Please select a performance

General Admission - $5.00

Seating is very limited. 
NO LATE ENTRY after the show

Even patrons with a ticket will be turned away if arriving after the start of the performance.

Box office opens 1 hour prior to show and closes at the start of the performance.

Doors to the theatre open 30 minutes prior to the start of the show.

Where is the theatre?

  • The Anderston Studio Theatre is located along MTSU Blvd on the campus of MTSU
  • On the south side of the Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building across from Forrest Hall.
  • MTSU Campus Map

Where can I park?

  • The Anderson Studio is part of the Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building.
  • Closest parking is available in Jones Lot between Todd Art Building and Wright Music Building. There is additional parking directly out front of Tucker Theatre on Champion Way and next to the BDA on Faulkenberry Drive and in Reece Smith Lot.