Alison Arngrim, renowned for her role as Nellie Oleson in "Little House on the Prairie," presents her comedic one-person show "CONFESSIONS OF A PRAIRIE BITCH" at Sierra Madre Playhouse from January 19-28, 2024. This show is a compelling mix of stand-up comedy, anecdotes, and multimedia content that delves into Arngrim's experiences as a beloved television character, combining humor with insights into her life in the spotlight.
The performance is set to offer audiences an intimate look at Arngrim's journey from child star to an outspoken activist and TV Land Award winner. Known for her sharp wit and engaging storytelling, Arngrim brings to life the sass and charm of her iconic "Little House" character, while also sharing her personal journey and advocacy work.
Trigger Warning for "Confessions of a Priarie B*tch Performance:
This performance explores mature themes, including references to drug use and adult content, as part of Alison's intriguing story. This includes adult language.
At Sierra Madre Playhouse, we are committed to delivering a full theatrical experience, which often encompasses complex and stimulating material. We understand the value of audience discretion and strive to provide an environment that is comfortable and respectful for all our patrons.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the content of the show, please feel free to contact our box office for more information.