This show brings together renowned artists Neelamjit Dhillon and Chris Votek for an exploration of the intersection between Hindustani and European Classical music.

Neelamjit Dhillon and Chris Votek are both skilled musicians with a shared interest in merging different musical traditions. Their vision for this intercultural musical experience is rooted in a deep respect for traditional forms and an eagerness to explore new musical boundaries. The performance will showcase a harmonious blend of these diverse musical influences.

The duo has experience in arranging music for prestigious entities such as Disney, the San Francisco Symphony, and Ustad Zakir Hussain. Their notable work includes orchestrating and arranging Zakir Hussain's Triple Concerto for a range of instruments and a full orchestra. 

Tickets for the performance at Sierra Madre Playhouse are priced between $12 and $35. This event promises an afternoon of captivating music, blending the sounds of Hindustani and European Classical music. 

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