Sierra Madre Playhouse is hosting Cory Hills's Percussive Storytelling, a family-friendly event that combines classical music and storytelling. Tickets are $10 per person, offering an interactive and enjoyable experience for families.

Cory Hills, an accomplished performer and educator, founded Percussive Storytelling in 2010. His goal was to make classical music and storytelling engaging for children. He has reached over 135,000 children in nine countries with his innovative programs, and his work includes award-winning audio CDs and children's books.

The concept for Percussive Storytelling emerged as a solution to engage audiences that typically don't attend avant-garde percussion concerts. By integrating percussion instruments with storytelling, Hills has created an appealing format for all ages.

The program includes a variety of percussive stories, featuring folktales, adapted tales, classics, and original compositions. The instruments and styles used in the program are globally diverse, offering a multicultural experience.

Percussive Storytelling is designed to be accessible and enjoyable, regardless of one's knowledge of percussion or music. This event at Sierra Madre Playhouse is an opportunity for families to experience the combination of music and storytelling.

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