Men of Science, Men of Carcasses
by Carolina Quiroga
When the fountain of youth proves not to guarantee eternal life, a maverick scientist explores freeing man’s spirit from earthly constraints despite the cost of animal and human lives. This story was adapted from a short sci-fi piece by a female writer in the early 20th century.
Kevin Evans
Kevin Evans was born in 1982 in Maricopa County, AZ. He is the fourth and last child born to Sharon Brownridge Evans and Arthur Evans of Columbus, MS (Birthplace of Tennessee Williams). His father joined the military at 18 which gave Kevin a slightly different experience than some of the rest of his relatives. Kevin began writing creatively in the 3rd grade, mostly short detective and horror stories. He began writing poetry as a teenager at which time he was mentored by Ms. Glenis Redmond via an after school program. He has locally been a part of the Poetry Cabaret, Asheville Slam team, and of course Black Diamond Collective with Penny Meacham.