Mount Vernon, Washington

PCI presents:

An Evening with Hot Tuna - Acoustic

Thursday, Sept 19, 8:00 pm

For over 50 years, Hot Tuna -- Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady -- have brought a wealth of emotions to their music through deep perceptions and tremendous talent. Members of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Grammy recipients, they are always injecting fresh energy into their sound with constant improvisation taking their musical horizons further. Hot Tuna remains one of the most innovative Rock and Roll bands in American music.

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Advance Reserved Seating Tickets: $80 Premier Section; $75 2nd section; $70 3rd section; $65 4th section + applicable fees.

A PCI presentation; Member Discounts do not apply.

The mission of the Lincoln Theatre is to entertain, inform & inspire our diverse community through cinema, live performance & educational programs while preserving the historic Lincoln Theatre.