"Murder at Cafe' Noir" by David Landau unfolds in a 1940s-style night club setting where private eye Rick Archer navigates a world of intrigue and deceit at the Cafe Noir. As patrons indulge in cocktails and jazz, a mysterious murder shatters the night's tranquility. Rick, armed with his sharp wit and detective skills, delves into a web of lies and hidden motives. Each character harbors secrets, and as Rick peels back the layers, he uncovers a tangled web of betrayal, jealousy, and revenge. With time ticking away, Rick must untangle the truth before another victim falls prey to the shadows lurking in Cafe Noir.
Step into the intrigue with this thrilling production. Along with a dessert served during the final intermission, the audience will be challenged to identify the murderer. Test your detective skills and immerse yourself in this interactive experience. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable evening of drama and excitement.