By Rajiv Joseph
Directed by Tyler Christie
This irresistibly unconventional drama tells of a different kind of love through sharp humor and even sharper insights into the human condition.
After the success of “Is Edward Snowden Single?” and “The Aliens”, Players’ Ring and Bardo present a thrilling and atypical love story. Doug and Kayleen meet at the nurse’s office in their elementary school; she’s got a painful stomach ache, and he’s all banged up from a running dive off the roof of the school. Over the next thirty years, these scar-crossed lovers meet again and again, brought together by injury, heartbreak, and their own self-destructive tendencies. With great compassion and humor, playwright Rajiv Joseph (Broadway’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo) crafts a compelling and unconventional story about the intimacy between two people when they allow their defenses to drop and their wounds to show. |
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General Admission: $29
Students / Seniors: $26
Military* / First Responders: $26
(*Includes: All branches Active Duty, Reserves, Veterans, Retirees)
+ $2 ticketing commission fee per order
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