Sam Grisman made his recording debut at age eight with his father, legendary mandolinist David “Dawg” Grisman, who Civic Music featured in a sold-out show in 2018. The music that David and his close friend, Jerry Garcia, made in the early 90s is not only some of the most timeless acoustic music ever recorded, it also triggers son Sam’s oldest and fondest musical memories.

Growing up in a music-rich environment, Sam was exposed to a wide variety of players and styles, making him one of the “go to” bassists of his generation. Sam’s goal in starting the Sam Grisman Project was to build a platform for he and his friends to showcase their genuine passion and appreciation for the legacy of David Grisman and Jerry Garcia’s music.

This concert will feature several band members from our area: Drummer Chris English from Rochester and and guitar player and singer/songwriter Max Flansburg from Canandaigua, NY

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Sat, Oct 12th, 2024 at 8:00 pm