“An Amazon Adventure-In 4-Part Harmony” Presented by Chisholm Trail Chorus of Sweet Adelines International
Saturday, Sept. 28th
4 PM
Cultural Activities Center, Temple, TX
Tickets $20 advance; $25 at the door. All seats reserved.Silent auction and plant sale begin at 3 p.m. All proceeds support the chorus.
Join Chisholm Trail Chorus on a boat trip down the Amazon River, where adventures
abound! Tour guide Lily Paddington keeps tourists entertained while botanist Flora
d’Vine shares her unique knowledge along the way. Many surprises await as we sing
our way back to the dock. Silent auction and cash-and-carry small plant sale begin at 3
p.m. to support the chorus’ Amazon Adventure. Returning highlights are the live cake
auction during intermission and guest performers 2022 Sweet Adeline Diamond Division
Quartet International Champions, Madison Avenue.