Cultural Traditions - 10:30AM

  • 2 hrs total on site
  • 120 Guests Maximum
  • $12 Per Person (Processing Fee Included)
  • Ages 3rd grade to Adult

Step inside our ceremonial house with your students and learn the significance and importance of this building that has been used for decades for potlatches and educational experiences. Learn how it is constructed and what is represented in the carved house posts, welcoming figure, screen, drum and copper. Students will learn about the importance of the salmon and cedar and how these resources influenced life on the Northwest Coast. In addition they will learn about the influence of the fur trade and origins of the ceremonial robes, known as button blankets.

Chief Tsungani and his grandson Isaac will explain how masks are created and used. Examples of the different stages in the creation of these masks will be discussed and on display, from a block of cedar to a completed mask. Rattles, whistles, and drums that are used in the Ceremonial House will be shared and demonstrated. Chief Tsungani will share a story from his lineage and will share details about a couple of the ceremonial masks. You students will have a behind the scenes look at how a dancer puts on these masks and how they are used, from an articulated mask to a transformation mask.

You’ll visit the Lelooska Museum for a self guided look at the art and artifacts of Native Peoples from across North America. An Interpreter will welcome you and be available to answer questions

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Cultural Traditions - 10:30AM

  • 2 hrs total on site
  • 120 Guests Maximum
  • $12 Per Person (Processing Fee Included)
  • Ages 3rd grade to Adult

All School Field Trip events include:

  • Staff welcoming upon bus/car arrival
  • Entrance to our Museum of art and artifacts
  • Hands on exploration of tactile items included in our Cultural Sharing Box, which has a carved wooden mask, a miniature button blanket, a miniature bentwood box, a ravenstail weaving sample, abalone shell, ermine, trade beads, cedar bark and more
  • Time to complete our Museum Hunt or Mini Museum Hunt of special art and artifacts
  • Entrance to our Gathering Hall where you will find additional art and artifacts on display, including additional masks and totem poles
  • Time to explore our Gift Shop, located in our Gathering Hall, where you will find a variety of books, shirts, and educational materials
  • Time to explore our Grounds to complete our Native Plant Find

Ticketing System provided by Arts People