Middlebury Acting Company Presents:
Wharton Between the Sheets
by Anne Unduland
May 8-18
Friday-Saturday at 7:30pm
Sunday at 2:00pm
Presented by Middlebury Acting Company, Town Hall Theater's professional resident theater company, delivering playful, intimate and conversation sparking productions since 2001.
Wharton Between the Sheets takes us to Paris in 1908 and brings together Edith Wharton, her dear friend Henry James, her lover Morton Fullerton and her Irish lady’s maid in an eyebrow-raising retelling of Wharton’s actual mid-life romance. A literary and historical banquet of language, sex, mores, and manners, Between the Sheets sparkles with wit while it examines class differences and the complexity of human relationships. More than anything, the play makes us fall in love—with Edith Wharton, with the people in her life, and best of all, with her own glorious writing.