Mount Vernon, Washington




The Anti-Holiday HOLIDAY Concert

December 2 2012 3:00pm

You don't want to miss what will very likely be the only Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, New Year's concert this year. Singer, songwriter, entertainer Christine Lavin

and folk-pop trio Uncle Bonsai

celebrate all of winters holidays with a grain of salt and a lot of laughter in the holiday concert, Just One Angel. With the spotlight on fresh, new holiday-themed songs along with favorites from their individual repertoires, Christine and Uncle Bonsai deliver a concert of song youll never hear in an elevator.

Just One Angel is based on the album of the same name which Christine produced in 2010 featuring twenty-two original holiday songs written and performed by fellow singer-songwriters including Janis Ian, Jeff Daniels, Roy Zimmerman, Kate Taylor, and many more. In 2011, Christine and Uncle Bonsai launched a concert tour of Just One Angel in eight cities from Portland, Oregon to Berkeley, California. In 2012 their fourteen-city tour once again originates in the Northwest at the Broadway Theatre Center in Tacoma WA and works east with two performances at Symphony Space in New York, and concluding on December 23rd at the The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. Folded throughout Just One Angel are songs from Christines and Uncle Bonsais respective repertories Lavins Good Thing He/She Cant Read My Mind, If Youre Drunk You Cannot Buy A Puppy, What Was I Thinking? and Uncle Bonsais perennial hits "The Baby's Head," Men & Women, and The Monster in the Closet. These and other concert standards are a perfect lock with holiday songs such as When Youre Single at Christmastime, Dougs Greatest Christmas Ever, Is it Hanukkah Or Chanukkah? and The Christians and the Pagans."

The 2012 tour will feature special guests performing their songs from the album. Singer-songwriter Larry Murante, and classical guitarist Hilary Field will join Christine and Uncle Bonsai for concerts in the Pacific Northwest.

Lincoln Member Pre-Sale begins Friday, October 19th. Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, November 2nd.

Reserved Seating Tickets: $27, $25, $24 & $15 with $2 off for Lincoln Theatre Members.

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Reserved Seating Tickets: $27: Section 1, $25: Section 2, $24: Section 3 & $15: Section 4 with $2 off for Lincoln Theatre Members.
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