If All The Sky Were Paper

Directed by Joe Sears who has secured this military drama as an Oklahoma premiere due to open Armistice Day week . If All the Sky Were Paper is a compelling drama about our soldiers, written by our soldiers through their personal letters during our many American wars. It’s a heartfelt evening of stirring stories and human empathies that only a soldier could pen. The playwright has granted Theater Bartlesville exclusive rights to stage his newest and rewritten play from his research of actual letters from the troops. The play comes directly from a staging at California’s Chapman University where the production was first conceived and performed. Oklahoma being a very patriotic state and with Bartlesville steeped in troop appreciation, this military themed new drama promises to bring our hearts to overflow with pride for those who served in America’s wars.

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Show tickets are $15, members and nonmembers.

Dinner Theater on Friday, Nov 14 at 5:30pm is an additional $16.  Tax and tip included.  Gratuity for exceptional service is always appreciated.  To request special seating arrangements, contact us.

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