Mom's The Word by Linda A. Carson, Jill Daum, Alison Kelly, Robin Nichol, Barbara Pollard and Deborah Williams

Directed by Rob Coles

Produced by Pat Bell

February 12, 13, 14*, 18, 19, 20, 2016

Mom's the Word is a hilarious, intimate look at motherhood. Touching, vivid tales of giving birth to a premature baby are balanced against comic, ribald stories of diaper soup and sex after children. All six moms suffer from sleep deprivation, and have some of the most outrageous stories you've ever heard - all of them true. It is group therapy like never before.

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*Sunday Matinee at 2:00pm. All other performances are at 8:00pm.

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Adult $22 Student $15 Youth<12 $12

Subscriber $20  Group>8 Subscriber $15