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fyoo zh en 17:
new music + dance
Directed by Sara Whale
Music Composed by Sean Ellis Hussey (’14)
February 1-4 at 7:30 pm 
John Patrick Theatre, General Public $10.00, Students/Sr. Citizens $5.00  
Kleist Center for Art & Drama  
95 E. Bagley Rd, Berea

A collaborative new dance/music project inspired by Dr. Karen Munroe’s research on the social and mating habits of squirrels (and those who study them). In this humorous romp, the audience is invited to follow a group of student biologists and their trusty mentor as they hit the wilds to observe the social and mating systems of the round tailed ground squirrel. But watch out…who is really watching who? 

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General Public $10
Students & Senior Citizens $5.00