This season, Cascadia Composers presents two multi-dimensional programs and a celebration. Our Marquee Series begins with a singular evening: the evocative music of Walter Saul and the stunning fabric art of Ann Harwell, each artist adding layers to the other’s art, creating something greater than the sum of its parts. The second concert gives voice to the poetry of Oregon Poets Laureate, again transcending two art forms with united visions. The third celebrates the life and music of Cascadia co-founder David S. Bernstein who envisioned our organization and played a leading role bringing it to life, inspiring us all with his wide-ranging and open-minded musical esthetic.


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Type of Ticket Description Standard Wheelchair accessible
Members/Artists Cascadia Members and Working Artists
Senior/Military Senior citizens and current or former military.
Students Valid, current student ID required at the door. 12 and under get in free.

Please Select a Package

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Subscriptions Select
2024-25 Marquee Series Subscription
Shows Select 3 shows
Fearless Lieder
So Let It Be ...

Ticketing System provided by Arts People