Chicago Teen Edition

Thursday, February 20th 7:00pm

Friday, February 21st 7:00pm

Saturday, February 22nd 2:00pm & 7:00pm

Sunday, February 23rd 2:00pm

Richard C. Johnson Auditorium

Barrington High School
616 W. Main Street
Barrington, IL 60010
Buy Tickets

The Barrington Alumni Association and the Barrington Fine Arts Boosters are excited to partner together on the first ever:



Saturday, February 22

5:30 hors d’oeuvres and meet & greet in New BHS Atrium

7:00 Musical Performance of Chicago in the Richard C. Johnson Auditorium

Buy Tickets


Ticket purchases are non-refundable

You will receive a ticket confirmation by email. If you do not receive your confirmation by email, you have not secured tickets to the performance.  

Print your tickets at home
and bring them to
the performance
for admission.

Online sales end one hour prior to showtime.

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If you have a coupon, gift certificate, or pass code, please enter it here:

Ticketing System provided by Arts People