Dear Friends of the Chorales,

As we come to the end of our 23/24 season, we are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to our final concert, "Stabat Mater In Honor of Mothers." Inspired by Mother's Day, this concert honors the sacrifices mothers make in both their family and professional lives.

This concert’s repertoire spans diverse genres, featuring emotive pieces including the song the concert is named for, "Stabat Mater" by Knut Nysted, as well as Sara Bareilles's poignant "She Used to Be Mine" and the soul-stirring "To Build a Home" from the timeless narrative of The Bridges of Madison County. Featuring collaborative musicians Dr. Simona Barbu, Dr. Ling Lo, and Mrs. Angela Schmaltz don’t miss your chance to be part of this special tribute!

Join us on May the 3rd and 4th for “Stabat Mater” as we celebrate the incredible spirit of motherhood.

This concert is funded in part thanks to the generosity of the Community Foundation of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks & Region, The Myra Foundation, and The North Dakota Council on the Arts.

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