The Messenger
by Jenny Connell Davis
with Julia Isabel Diaz, Laura Esping, Ashley Horiuchi, and Tracey Maloney
directed by Faye M. Price
March 8 - 23, 2025

Four women in Pasadena, California. A Holocaust survivor and math teacher for 20 years shares her wartime experience in the classroom; one student’s mother fights against this and ignites racist incidents; a researcher discovers archival documents revealing WWII evil that her boss wants to keep hidden; and a young Asian student recounts traumatic experiences in the community. Although each speaks from different moments in time, they’re part of the same larger story.

The Messenger is produced at Six Points Theater as part of a National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere. Other Partner Theaters are Palm Beach Dramaworks, West Palm Beach, Florida, and Shrewd Productions, Austin, Texas. For more information, please visit  

Call 651-647-4315 for information.

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An Act of God
by David Javerbaum
with Sally Wingert
directed by Craig Johnson
May 3 - 18, 2025

In this hip and irreverent parody, God has come to Six Points Theater to deliver a new Ten Commandments in order to clarify what the Almighty wants from humanity. With the help of two wingmen, along with questions and comments from the audience, we explore popular culture and current news. Not mincing words, God engages us to reflect on the world today. And God does this all with a sense of humor! Sally Wingert stars as God.

Call 651-647-4315 for information.

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